Episode #12 - Will Scecina | Being a working musician and the meaning of life
My old friend Will Scecina stopped by on Skype and we had an amazing chat about being a professional "working musician" and the things that it takes to make a living playing music in today's world. This is what Will does. He plays corporate gigs, weddings, entertainment gigs, covers and nearly all other types of live gigs that generate income.
We also talk about the public's value, or lack of value towards music in general, and how somebody who understands the details of an art form will most likely value it more than those that do not.
We also touched on homelessness, poverty, economics, animal rights and how to get started in becoming a professional musician. Will was a great guest and we had a great talk. Will's website
Charity I talked about but couldn't remember the name
Fulkramic - Fession h
Us Four - Keep Your Head Up Julsie
Enderhall - Little Jimmy's Straight Up Crazy
Justin Wierbonski - Deadlines (Nervous System)