Saturday, May 18, 2019

Episode #46 - Linux On Chromebooks, Sketchy Drum Salesman, Interior

New podcast flow today! Plus I'll be revealing what LaserDisc I own :) Linux News, drum stuff, paranormal news, recommended album, and other stuff. This episode's featured music Chromebook lies about supporting Linux This week's recommended album - Interior ​ Navy Plans to Document UFO Sightings, But Keep Them Confidential Movie reviews - Detective Pikachu and Terrifier

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Episode 45 - UFO Japan Airlines Flight 1628, Linux Audio, Nicolas Cage

UFOs!  Japan Airlines Flight 1628, astronauts who've seen UFOs, Tracktion, Linux Audio, Ebay and Avengers End Game + Between Worlds (Nick Cage) music on this episode, Justin Robert & Jeremy Powell Flourinescence